
Donate AAdvantage miles and make a difference

Make a difference

Join American as we partner with organizations to make the world a better place. Through your contributions, we can continue to help people in need.

Donate miles

Miles for Social Good

Miles for Social Good

Miles for Social Good supports organizations committed to improving stability, fighting hunger and providing basic needs or immediate relief for global citizens in need.

Donate to Miles for Social Good

Miles for Global Health and Well-Being

Miles for Global Health and Well-Being

Miles for Global Health and Well-Being supports organizations that are committed to raising awareness and funds, bringing treatments and hope to patients.

Donate to Miles for Global Health and Well-Being

Miles for Heroes

Miles for Heroes

Miles for Heroes assists organizations that work to support veterans, military members and their families.

Donate to Miles for Heroes

Miles for our Planet

Miles for our Planet

Miles for our Planet assists organizations that protect and preserve our planet’s natural resources and contribute meaningfully to efforts to combat climate change.

Donate to Miles for Our Planet

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